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Welcome, lets talk about me and our district

I was born in July of 1991 and raised in San Jose, California. I’m the son of an immigrant father from Mexico and a Chicano mother from San Jose. I’m proud to have received my education here in San Jose, all the way through to college, where I earned my degree in behavioral science at San Jose State University.


I have lived in San Jose my whole life and have deep connections to the community through my experiences in church, Boy Scouts, and community outreach, including starting a mental health non-profit, going door to door and scheduling COVID vaccines for underserved communities, and walking local homeless encampments to help with housing, food, and vaccinations. 


Fostering community is important to me, and aside from my volunteer work I have played various roles in the local service industry such as bartending, front-of-house managing, and serving up smoothies at 16 for my first job at Jamba Juice. I am energized by the conversations I’ve had while working, volunteering and campaigning, and I look forward to continuing to meet and connect with people in the upcoming months through town halls and informational gatherings. 


Through my work in the community, I have identified nine key issues that are important to the people of District 18 as well as myself:


-Reformed citizenship requirements allowing for an easier path to citizenship


-Healthcare for all, regardless of immigration or legal status 


-Increased medical leave and childcare for families


-Stronger protections for LGBTQ+ communities


-Free college or trade school 


-Increase oversight of how tech companies acquire and use our data


-Ensuring large corporations and the upper class pay their fair share of taxes


-Acknowledge Indigenous communities and their right to federal recognition


-Build livable and walkable communities


I want to be the Congressional representative for District 18 so I can ensure that the peoples’ voices are heard. It’s time for new representation and I am the candidate to lead this change. 


Our current representative rakes in millions of dollars each campaign and brags that they don’t even need to spend it on the district. That is wrong – if a candidate has millions in surplus then our system is immensely flawed.


Thank you for your time and support, and I am excited to advocate for District 18.

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